So.. look at this funny-face.. :D I got it from my mum. She said it's almost christmas.. I don't think so, but okey. He's nice. :D And i asked my mum:
- Heeey mum, why does he his arms up?
- He is happy, he wants christmas.
If you are happy, and want christmas to come right now, put your hands up! :D I like his clothes also. Except that shoes.. s: Another question: Why does he wearing clothes, if he is a snowman? Snowmans never get cold.. or maybe. O:

Ah, and look at this one. [no, not at the snowman, at me! :D] That two little girls [i mean princess..] that's me! Okeeey.. now i'm 15, and i don't wear clothes like that and my hair is a bit other.. but i was so cute, am i? ^^, Now, you can look at the snowman. What is that big stomack*?! When i make a snowman his head is smal, his stomack is a little bit bigger and his 'legs' are the biggest. And his nose is a carrot. It makes me think about.. maybe it's not a snowman..?
*i'm not 100% if his middle called "stomack".. but i didn't find anything else in the dictionary.. ^^,
A Tom&Jerry még hülébbb! Sosincs rajtuk ruha, de ha zuhanyoznak utána törölközővel eltakarják magukat! Vízre jön elő valami? Talán a hóembered is a szoba melege ellen védekezik...