I finished my bachelor in psychology! I'm graduating this summer! So yeah, that's where I was. Studying. stuDYING. To be very clear: I enjoyed every moment of my studies, however, my body and mind not so much. I've been very busy, stressing a lot, getting a few breakdowns.. you know, regular university stuff. I wanted to write so many times about the great things I was doing, but I never had the time. I never took the time.
Now that it's over, now that I gained 10 kilos and feel horrible, it's time to change. Why now? I don't know. I just know and feel that I can't go on like this. So, instead of talking about the unhealthy ways, let's talk about the healthy ways!
To understand why something is healthy, I'm going to compare it to the unhealthy. Because I've been there. We've all been there. As part of my new healthy ways, I'm going to make time to write. I'll try to write every week once at least, to discuss some aspect of my new healthy ways. Or to show you something delicious, because food is always good. Or to break down and tell you how I'm having a hard time again. Why am I doing this? Because I think it's important for you all to know how we are killing ourselves and what better ways there are. And to show you that falling apart sometimes is also normal. :)

"I feel so blessed and so good and just so happy to be doing this and I'm hoping that I can be a role model for other people and not be pushy about it. Because everyone's gonna do it in their own time. But, thank god, my time is now." - What the health
Just can't wait! :)