
How easy is it to hurt me?

I'm a painful cryer.
You cry when you're in any kind of pain. Wheather it is a cut or someone's passed away, you cry as if you're world is ending. But when you are a painful cryer, that means that your heart is full of pain and it needs to be healed. To heal your heart, you must find something that you can make into a hobbie and stick with it. It will be something that you think is fun and that expresses your feelings to make you happy. You could try something such as writing, drawing, or singing, but whatever it is, it's gotta be something you enjoy. Let out your feelings with your tears or with your new hobbie, but try not to keep it all in...it will hurt more that way.

[EN] I made some stupid quiz in facebook, and i got this.. o_O, Some parts are true.. i cry all time if i have pain.. like my world is ending.. Something i enjoy..? horse riding! (L) Next week.. *-* maybe.. I love that last sentence, but yeah.. i've never been good at tell my feeling to others, cuz nobody understand me.. If i'm sad i say 'im okey. :/' so my friend always have to figure out my problem.. :D But yeah, i just can't talk! o_O,
[HU] Nem fordítom le, ha nem baj.. Remélem azért mindenki érti.. ^^, Szóval facebook vannak azok a kvízek, és ott volt ez is és 5 válaszból ez lett.. o_O, Nagyjából igaz.. mindig sírok, akármi bajom van. Mintha véget érne minden.. Kéne valami, amit élvezek..? Lovaglás! (L) jövöhéten. talán.. Az utolsó mondattal kapcsolatban.. Sosem voltam jó abban, hogy pontosan elmondjam, amit érzek. Ezért nem is gyakran szoktam.. Nem értenek meg, nem látnak a mondatok mögé. Ha szomorú vagyok, annyit mondok 'jólvagyok. :/' és a barátaim általában megpróbálják kitalálni, hogy pontosan mi is lehet. :D De, én csak egyszerüen nem tudok beszélgetni. o_O,

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